Netflix Hit “Love Is Blind” Asks the Wrong Questions But It's Worth Watching
*** Spoilers Ahead for Love Is Blind ***
If you haven’t binge-watched Love is Blind already on Netflix, you’ve probably heard about it. Airing over the course of three weeks, the show presents itself as a thoughtful “experiment,” testing whether couples can have a long-lasting relationship sight unseen. Now these heterosexual and conventionally attractive contestants enter pods separated by a wall on a sound stage and leave engaged if they spark a connection.
Nick and Vanessa Lachey host, which is like...OK. They get right into it, preaching the show’s intended antithesis to modern-day apps that largely rely on photos as the primary connection, which is again...OK. “We live in such a disconnected and distracted world. Your value is often judged solely by the photo on your dating app. But everyone wants to be loved for who they are. Not for their looks, their race, their background or their income,” Vanessa states in the opening episode. “Psychologists believe that emotional connection is the key to long-term marital success, not physical attraction,” Nick continues. Two statements worth examining in two very different conversations. How these points connect exactly remains to be seen but it’s too early to call them out on that right?
Anyway, ten episodes later and I have cheered, laughed, groaned, yelled, jumped up and down, and smiled in content at these beautiful fools looking for love. Here’s what I have to say about each of the six (well, five thanks to Carlton) couples that made it out of their pods:
Gianinna + Damian
Gianinna is a goddess and I stan. She wasn’t perfect but my God was she genuine and never claimed perfection. Honest about her feelings, even if presented irrationally, she truly did her best to make her relationship work. Damian loved her, but ultimately, that 30% of f*ckboi overcame him. It wasn’t that he rejected G. It was how. In front of all of G’s family and friends he put the blame all on her, speaking for her that she wasn’t ready for marriage. Even if that’s how you feel, take responsibility for your part. It’s not her damn job to show you she’s ready for marriage. It’s her job to be who she is and your job to make clear whether you can accept that or not in your partner. You dick.
Whatever, Damian.
But G tore off a patch in her dirt-stained dress and gave back that mofo’s “gift” of all of him. And it was perfect as he definitely, definitely did not accept the very real gift that was all of her. Good for you for being free now, G. If you’re still in Atlanta, let’s get bellinis.
Amber + Barnett
Barnett’s goofy ass…
Meets Amber’s goofy ass.
Did anyone expect these two to make it down the aisle? If Amber’s casual attitude towards debt wouldn’t do her in, I certainly thought pressure from Barnett’s family would. Barnett was a nervous wreck at his wedding but I actually appreciate this man for being honest about who he was from start to finish. Amber met him where he was and loved all the quirky things about him. He did the same, which made them a perfect match. Congrats, Bamber!
Kelly + Kenny
I’m not even going to lie, I never really cared for this couple...Did anyone else?? I did expect them to make it to a wedding until Kelly hit us out of nowhere with the, “I’m not attracted to him” thing. Where was this three episodes ago?
Their parents are lit though.
Jessica + Mark
It took ten episodes for Jessica to do the kindest thing she’s done since seeing Mark the first time outside those pods—let him go. Watching this woman slowly crush Mark’s spirit with each act of passive indecision was a truly painful experience. I believe she cared for him. I even believe she loved the way she knew how.
Gosh, this woman.
Over and over she showed her ass, getting in her own way by: relying on alcohol to state her true feelings when she couldn’t do it sober, jabbing at Mark’s age when she’s the one with the emotional intelligence of a teenager (sorry to insult you, teenagers ‘cause you actually don’t deserve the comparison). I mean seriously, it’s a red flag that a man is in touch with his feelings?? Bruh.
The face of a man constantly having to explain himself.
What in the caucasian?!!
You deserve better, Mark.
Lauren + Cameron
The one bright light in this whole experiment is Lauren and Cameron. I mean, this couple had no business being this cute.
One of the things in their favor of making it to an “I do,” was in fact their biggest initial concern (or Lauren’s initial concern ‘cause Cam was solid)— the fact that they’re an interracial couple. Their race and different upbringings forced them to have serious conversations outside of the pods much earlier than the other couples, giving them a more realistic foundation.
They had to envision a life of potential setbacks and decide if they still wanted to choose each other on top of their love, which made it that much sweeter when they actually did.
So, to answer the show’s basic question, yes, love is blind...obviously. But a marriage is not. Social, cultural, and financial learned behaviors are all the things a marriage sees. They’re all the things a marriage must see. Which is ironic that a show asking a question about love ends in a marriage, thus revealing this country’s fundamental misconception of the century—that marriage equals love. That’s part of it, sure. But couples in love don’t intend on getting divorced when they marry and yet, 50% of them end with one.
Anyone can fall in love in the bliss of a fantasy birthed inside a pod, but it’s the ability to evolve with another soul through sickness, the loss of a job, a disapproving best friend, debt, distance, mood swings, boredom, and the endless amount of possible moments life will throw your way that makes a true partnership. Not saying it’s impossible to grow a successful marriage without knowing this beforehand, but it’s sure as shit hard to do isolated from those telling situations in the real world.
Curious about where the couples are now, fifteen months after? The reunion episode airs this Thursday on Netflix.